All Mail Boss curbside boxes are USPS approved. They must meet the same functional requirements as standard mailboxes and must be approved by the postmaster. Locking mailboxes effectively prevent theft of incoming mail. Newspaper receptacles may be mounted on the same post as the mailbox, but they must not contact it directly or be supported by it.Steel or aluminum pipes with a 2-inch diameter are also acceptable. Curbside mailbox posts should be buried less than 24 inches deep and made from wood no larger than 4 inches high by 4 inches wide.Mailboxes must be placed 6 to 8 inches away from the curb the incoming mail slot or door must be 41 to 45 inches from the ground.Numbers must be positioned visibly on the front or flag side of the box. The box or house number on a mailbox must be represented in numbers that are at least 1 inch tall.

Curbside mailboxes must be placed on the right-hand side of the road and facing outward so that mail carriers can access it easily without leaving their vehicle.All manufactured mailboxes must meet the internal and external dimension requirements of the USPS.USPS mailbox regulations for in ground and surface mount post installation.